Wardrobe Makeover

Did you know that on average we use only 70% of the garments we own inside the closet?


The reason is quickly stated: we tend to wear the same clothes all the time! The main causes? Laziness, limited time and the feeling of comfort those same clothes give us.

But how to remedy this? With wardrobe analysis and reorganization.

It is much more than just a decluttering service: that is, getting rid of old clothes and cleaning up inside the closet, but it is a much deeper reorganization involving the fit, color, and fabrics of clothes in general.

So let’s move on to practice and see in detail: analysis, reorganization and shopping list.

How the wardrobe analysis is conducted

Once I arrive in your home I immediately place my faithful rail, which will be useful for storing hanging garments and not creating clutter when emptying the closet.

Now that your closet is empty, as are your drawers and other clothing spaces, let’s start creating new outfits starting with the very difficult items you can’t match by figuring out why. This is a super engaging and fun phase as you will play the role of “model for a day” by approving and wearing the new looks, which will be photographed and sent as a reminder.

In the analysis phase, all the clothes you own go through the sieve: those that pass the test we store inside the closet (generally about 80 percent) after expertly matching them, while those that do not pass because they are too dated, out of fashion or far from your style are set aside: their fate is sealed you will donate them to less well-off people, give them to friends or departures, or throw them away if they cannot be reused; the choice is yours!

After I identify what style you belong to and what your body shape is, I get to work and begin to literally empty your closet by carefully analyzing the garments present. I take into consideration all the characteristics these possess such as color, fit, fabric, and style.

Now let's move on to Wardrobe Makeover

Having approved the new looks, eliminated the garments no longer suitable for your new personal image, it’s time to reorganize your wardrobe! Given the space available, we will decide together how to store them in the right place: by outfit, by color, by fabric or by category.

And finally, the Shopping List

It often happens that during wardrobe analysis you realize that some “wild card” items are missing to complete your look or, simply some items need to be replaced with new ones. No problem! Together we will create a Shopping List (a list of new purchases) and note down all the new items to be integrated into your closet. You can decide to go in search of the identified items on your own or together with me.

Benefits of a reorganized closet

I told you it is much more than decluttering!

In just one day your closet will look different; it will be neat, legible, and functional-everything inside will enhance you 100 percent. Moreover, it will be like having gone shopping thanks to the new combinations donated to your clothes!

Finding new solutions for old clothes, building a capsule wardrobe and defining your personal must-haves, allows you to refine or build a unique and recognizable style. A functional wardrobe is effective for any occasion!

Now all you have to do is click the button below and understand together through a FREE initial consultation, all your needs.

Image consulting in Sassari, Olbia, Cagliari, Milan and Rome